Thursday, 4 January 2018

Stay Gold, Chapter 12

Good evening!

As previously discussed, here's the next chapter of Stay Gold by Hideyoshico. This takes us into the content which will eventually be collected as Volume III of the story. In this chapter, Hayato and Yuuji try to put previous events behind them -- but will they be able to suppress their feelings so easily? Meanwhile, Kou proves to be a bad influence on Kikka. Please enjoy:

Stay Gold - Chapter 12

To tidy up loose ends from earlier we also have a complete batch of Volume II for your downloading pleasure:

Stay Gold - Volume 2 [Complete]

And that's all for now! We intend to follow this story as far as it goes, so we'll have the next chapter with you as soon as it's ready. Until then~!


  1. Thank you, former acme-dan!

  2. thank you so much!

  3. thank you very much for continuing working on Stay Gold..i hope the other manga -especially Gakuen Tengoku & Endou-kun- will find someone to continue them

    back to the chapter: OMG OMG OMG; that page before last, Yuuji was sooooooo hot, Hayato also, but Yuuji was another kind of hotness!!!!
    thank you once again

  4. thanks for the chapter!! it's clear that kikka is the best character in this series lmao

  5. Thank you very much for the new chapter!! <3 <3

  6. Thanks so much for all the hard work and the newest chapter!

  7. thank you so much for the new chapter :) I hope that you'll also continue mangas from Hayakawa Nojiko in the future :)

  8. congrats on the finished volume and thanks so much!!!

  9. Thank you for sharing and Happy New Year^^

  10. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Thank you so very much!!!!
