Saturday, 17 July 2021

Stay Gold, Chapter 19

 Good evening!

We took a bit of a break here (to, perhaps, understate the point a touch), but our fanatical Nibelungentreue towards this story was destined to compel us back to Word and Photoshop eventually. And so it proved. Tonight, then, Chapter XIX -- Hidaka encounters toil and trouble in his professional life, but relief comes from, well, the only expected source. Links, as ever, are below:

Stay Gold - Chapter 19

Since our last release, has apparently gone to its eternal reward -- we'll add another mediafire alternative in further course.

Next, something which requires a bit of explanation. Many years ago, an observant commenter noted that the collected Volume 2 contains a slightly different version of Chapter 9 to the original magazine version -- this latter was what we acmedan used as the basis for our their scanlation. We now present this revised version of Chapter 9, along with the original. The changes are relatively small, and it's difficult to immediately understand the rationale behind them, but Yuuji's injury in these new pages finds a strange parallel in Chapter 19, so we thought this was the appropriate moment to get the revised Chapter 9 into circulation. Please, then:

Stay Gold - Chapter 9 (v2)

And that's all for now. This manga is now, after more or less a decade, actually finished in Japan, and we're determined to, eventually, render the whole thing in English. So we shall see you --hopefully-- not too far in the future for the next chapter. Until then~!


  1. Thank you so much for this update !

  2. thank you for the release. your hard work is appreciated.

  3. Thankssss, ive been looking forward to updates for so looong, You guys are angels

  4. Yay, I'm glad you guys are still working on this project!! Thanks for all your hard work.
    Again, happy to lend a hand if you need it but will gladly wait for the rest of the installments too. Take care~

  5. it's great to see you guys back in action! thanks for the surprise double chapter release, stay gold has remained one of my favorite manga ever since you began scanlating it back when.

  6. Thank you for picking up this project, I appreciate your hard work. I follow this manga for years and I was giving up of it, but thank you for giving me hope again <3

  7. Thanks so much for your hard work!! Finally things come to a head for these two...Owo
