Friday, 28 September 2018

Stay Gold, Chapter 15

Good evening!

Well, the gap between this and the previous turned out to be about the same as between the previous and the one before that — but we are all hostages to fortune and the road to a new release is never as straight as it might be. We arrive, at any rate, at our destination, with the next chapter in train. This one is, to be straight with you all, mostly a flashback; but we get some useful background in, and things take rather a turn at the end. So please proceed towards:

Stay Gold - Chapter 15

Until we meet again~!


  1. me at the last page "WHAAAAAAAAAAAT"
    can't wait for the next chapter~~
    thank you very for all your hard work...

  2. Thank you very much for the update and the hard work !

  3. Hideyoshico is a genius. Thank you very much :)

  4. Thank you very much for all your work to share, I'm really happy to read!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank you ,my internet work s !!!!

  7. loved the update despite being a flashback. Thank you!

  8. Thank you for continuing your hard word on this awesome manga!

  9. Thank you very much <3 Is this chapter from vol.2 or vol.3 of the series?

  10. thank you for the release. your hard work is much appreciated. until we meet again best wishes and regards.
