Thursday, 21 February 2019

Stay Gold, Chapter 16

Good evening!

A fresh, piping-hot chapter of Stay Gold ready to be poured directly into your eyeballs. So, when you're ready, please take a seat over here and try not to move your head too much. In this instalment, Hayato's mom continues to ruffle everyone's feathers, while an adverse sports outcome prompts Hayato to embark on some soul-searching. So please enjoy:

Stay Gold - Chapter 16

Usual apologies for the turnaround time, of course. Next chapter is very big and chunky and will take us to the end of Volume III. And that's it for now -- until we meet again~


  1. thank you so so much!!!!! it is my favorite manga (it is!) and I am so grateful for your hard work! bless you!!

  2. Thank you very much! This manga is great, both art and story. And your scanlations is also great, so neat and easy to read.

  3. Thank you so very much for the update!

  4. Hi, I was just wondering if you guys are still scanlating this manga?

  5. I just read this manga! I want to thank you for continuing the scanlation of it. I know it is a lot of work so I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate it.
