Monday, 9 September 2019

Stay Gold, Chapter 17

Good evening!

Six months! Good grief. Hope you've all had a pleasant uh, early-mid-late 2019 so far. We certainly have -- a fact which is probably completely coincidental to this one having not appeared too expeditiously. But appeared now it has -- 44 (sic) pages, all rich with incident, which take us elegantly to the conclusion of Volume III. Will our heroes work through all their outstanding issues in good order before the book ends? You'll find the answers immediately below:

Stay Gold - Chapter 17

And that is that! Next up we'll round off this volume with the usual extra-bits release, then a quick jump back to those couple bonus pages from one of the Volume II chapters, then it's full speed ahead (emphasis, hopefully, on "speed") to Volume IV, which (not to spoil things too much) takes the form of a prolonged digression which may pleasantly surprise some of you.

All of which is in the (hopefully not too far-off) future -- but for now, until we meet again~


  1. Thank you so much for keeping up with this manga and translating it for us. I look forward to the next chapter, even though I’ve already seen it and died in the process. Purchasing the volumes was a great choice but google translate was the worst. Anyways, I am so thankful and happy that I could finally know what was being said in those scenes that caused my death, all thanks to you.

  2. thannnnnnnk you soooooooooooo much!!!!!! i really loved this chapter REALLY
    but wow he got hotter!!!!!!

  3. thank you for the release. your hard work is much appreciated.

  4. Thank you very much for your hard work to share the new chapter, I'm looking forward to read!!

  5. Thank you so much for still working on this project!!

  6. thank you so much!!! I'm so happy to read this! been waiting (patiently) for this, and kept checking your website almost every day hoping for the new release, since it is my favorite manga. you're hard work on this manga is really appreciated!!! Arigato!

  7. Thank you for working on this, i really like this manga.
